A fast race for those that care about their time (no matter what that time may be). A simple event with minimal fuss. No t-shirts, medals, goody bags, etc. Just run hard, get a PB, go home proud and repeatedly refresh Pof10 until time appears.
Facebook event – click here
Latest Updates
Provisional results are out, see separate news post.
ENTRIES CLOSED – no more entries or transfers possible now, there’s a lot of admin work behind the scenes and we need at least 24 hours to get everything sorted.
We’ve got 142 athletes running tomorrow, aiming at times from 15 minutes to 32 minutes in categories from U13 to V75s. It’s going to be an awesome display of quality racing!
A reminder than entries close at midday tomorrow and there are NO ENTRIES ON THE DAY! We’ve got about 20 places remaining and it’s shaping up to be a fantastic race with talented runners across all age groups.
Final instructions have just been sent out. Please check your inboxes and read carefully.
Exciting news! We had enough entries to justify getting awards. There are trophies for 1st, 2nd and 3rd males/females and medals for being first in your age category, so plenty to play for.
2 weeks to go! There are still a few places available if you have yet to get your entry in or know someone who would like to get involved.
Also, please note that we have decided to lower the age limit from 13 to 11 (age on race day). However, please keep in mind that this is competitive road race and it is expected that all junior runners are mature enough to participate in such an event. We also request that all junior athletes have a responsible adult present in the park whist they are running.
50 days to go! We’re on track to fill up, so please get your entries in ASAP.
We also need a team of friendly and enthusiastic volunteers to help setup, marshal and pack away. Please contact us via email: summerfieldsmash@bratclub.co.uk the Facebook event if you can help.
We’ve got a really nice spread of expected times so far and hopefully lots of potential PBs. A whopping 74% of you are hoping to break the 20 minute barrier!
If you’ve paid for an affiliated entry, but your UK registration isn’t up to date for this year then please ensure you renew before race day.
Essential Information
- Wednesday 21 August 2019 at 19:30
Race Venue: | Registration Venue: |
Summerfield Park West Gate Birmingham B16 0ES There are no toilet facilities in the park. Bag drop available. Race briefing: 19:25 Race start: 19:30 | The Ark 74 Cavendish Road Birmingham B16 0HS Number collection, bag drop and toilets available. Registration opens: 17:30 Registration closes: 19:15 Facilities close: 20:30 |
- Online entries only:
- £6 affiliated / £8 unaffiliated
- Entries close at 12:00 on 20 August 2019, no entries on the night.
- Minimum age of 11yrs on race day
- No dogs or headphones/earphones permitted
- It takes 10 minutes to walk from registration to the race start
- Email summerfieldsmash@bratclub.co.uk with any queries or contact us via the Facebook event
Further important information is provided below, please read it carefully to ensure the event runs as smoothly as possible.
Entry is available via the BRAT website and is £6.00 for UKA affiliated athletes and £8.00 for non-UKA affiliated athletes.
Affiliation must be up to date and your UKA number provided when purchasing an affiliated entry. These will be checked.
Athletes must be 11 years old or older on the day of the event.
Entries close at midday on Tuesday 20 August or when the limited of 150 entries is reached. No entries taken on the night.
Unfortunately this race is not suitable for wheelchair racers owing to the short off-road section; however, the park is accessible for spectators/volunteers in wheelchairs.
Race Restrictions
You are not permitted to run with dogs or any other animals.
Buggies and push chairs are not permitted.
No headphones or earphones are permitted; given the lapped nature of this course it is important that you can hear instructions from the marshals who may warn you of approaching runners or other hazards.
Route Details
The route involves a single small clockwise loop, three big clockwise loops and a finishing straight. The start is just inside the West Gate entrance off Gillott Road.

The course is predominately on tarmac paths with a very short off-road section (~5m) required to avoid barriers (marked with exclamation on map). Please take care when leaving and rejoining the path.
The course has been officially measured and has an accuracy certificate (19/308) this will be available to view at registration.
Registration & Number Collection
All numbers are to be collected on the night of the event from the registration area in The Ark which is a multi-use building owned by Christ Church Summerfield. It is located on the corner of Rotton Park Road and Cavendish Road (B16 0HS).
The Ark
74 Cavendish Road
B16 0HS
The Ark will be open from 17:30 for number collection and will be open after the race until 20:30 for bag collection and use of the facilities. We must vacate the premises by 20:30, so please ensure all belongings have been removed by this time otherwise they will be removed by the event team.
Athletes must enter all the required information on the reverse of the number including medical and emergency contact information.
Numbers must be secured to the front of the athlete and clearly visible, ideally with a pin in each corner. Safety pins will be provided.
Transport & Parking
Participants are encouraged to travel to the race in the most environmentally friendly way possible.
Summerfield Park is easily accessible using public transport being close to bus stops on City Road and Dudley Road. The park can also be accessed via the Harborne Walkway which is suitable for cycling.
There is plenty of free parking on the roads surrounding the park and The Ark, please consider car sharing if possible and please park considerately.
Getting to the Start
The start is near the West Gate entrance to Summerfield Park. It is a 10 minute walk from The Ark to the start, so please leave with plenty of time to spare. Please use the pedestrian crossing when crossing over City Road as this road can be very busy.

There is plenty of space in the park to warm up and familiarise yourself with the route.
Race Briefing & Start
There will be short race briefing at 19:25 at the start area and the race will commence promptly at 19:30.
Please ensure you are in the park in time for the briefing taking into consideration that it is a 10 minute walk from registration.
Male and female toilets are available in The Ark between 17:30 and 20:30.
Please do not use the children’s toilet facilities.
There are no toilets in the park, please do not use the bushes as this is a residential area.
Bag Drop
Bags can either be left in The Ark at registration or there will also be an area to leave bags at the finish line. All bags dropped in the Ark will be transported to the park for collection. The race organisers take no responsibility for loss or damage of bags or their contents so please do not leave valuables in them.
Bags must be collected by 20:30.
Changing & Showers
Please come ready to race. No changing or shower facilities are available.
Water will be provided at the finish line.
Timing & Results
This race is not chip timed and you will be awarded your gun time.
If you are a faster runner then please position yourself towards the front of the start pen with slower runners towards the back. This is a small event and we do not anticipate a significant delay between the gun sounding and crossing the start line, even for those lining up towards the back of the field.
Provisional results will be available the day following the race and published on the BRAT website. After a period of review they will be submitted to Power of 10.
First Aid
First aid is being provided by St John Ambulance who will be situated close to the start and finish. Contact a marshal should you or another runner require their assistance. Please do not run if you are feeling unwell or are injured.
No prizes as such, but there are trophies for 1st, 2nd and 3rd males/females and medals for being first in your age category, so plenty to play for.
Medals/T-shirts/Mementos/Goody Bags
There aren’t any. In order to keep this race as cheap as possible we will not be providing any goodies. Hopefully you’ll take home a sense of pride and a new 5k PB.
Risk Assessment
A risk assessment has been carried out and is available to review at registration. Please listen carefully to the pre-race briefing before the start which will inform you of any hazards on the course and provide other essential information to increase your safety.
Sponsors & Partners
JCS Sports Massage Therapy
Smashed the Summerfield Smash? Get a £10 discount off a 60 minute consultation with JCS Sports Massage and refresh those tired legs.
Further details online https://www.jcssportsmassagetherapy.co.uk/ .
Appointments in Knowle or mobile within 8 miles of Solihull.
Refunds & Transfer of Entry
Transfers can be made up to midday on Tuesday 20 August. Confirmation of the transfer along with relevant entrant details must be received from both parties involved.
It is the responsibility of the parties involved in a transfer to manage any exchange of money; the race organiser takes no responsibility for this.
Refunds will only be given at the race organiser’s discretion or where required by applicable law.