We aim to provide the most accurate list of performances achieved by our club members in athletics. This includes historical performances from the family of former clubs who amalgamated to become the club we are part of today.
A special thank you must go to Gordon Ainsley, who has been a major contributor. He has kept extensive annual rankings lists for the various clubs since 1987.
We also acknowledge there could be many other performances, particularly of members from our family of previous athletics clubs. If you have any amendments/additions or comments, please email your evidence/details to us at:
- Compiled using multiple sources of available data – event results/athletics annuals & publications/individual contributions & Gordon Ainsley archives.
- Top 10 ‘known’ individual performances by event and by age category – WE ARE ALWAYS ON THE LOOK OUT FOR VERIFICATION OF MORE PERFORMANCES FROM CURRENT & PAST MEMBERS.
- Junior athletes are put into an age-category based on their age at the start of the season. Senior athletes have be put into an ‘age-category’ based on the age of athlete on the actual date of their performance.
- Athletes can be named more than once, if they have set performances in different age groups.
- Wind-assisted performances that are known have been included in recognition that many meetings do not register/include wind readings in their results.
- Where a wind assisted performance has been included, a non-wind assisted performance has also been shown, if known.
(w) = Known wind assisted performance
B’ham = Birmingham
B’ham Mun= Birmingham University (Munrow Track – closed in 2014)
B’ham Univ = Birmingham University (new track – opened in 2017)
AS = Alexander Stadium, Birmingham
FH = Fox Hollies Track, Birmingham
NIA = National Indoor Arena, Birmingham
WC = White City Stadium, London
CP = The Crystal Palace Athletics Stadium, London
(u) = Unconfirmed performance