Cotswold Hilly 100

Cotswold Hilly 100

The Cotswold Hilly 100, named either for the number of miles run or the number of hills climbed is a 10 mile per leg relay race run through the Cotswold hills.

A huge shout out goes to our hosts Stratford-Upon-Avon Athletic Club for once again organising a fantastic event.

BRAT put out two teams this year with the A team were unfortunately disqualified for a navigation error but finished in an unofficial time of: 12:01:40

the B team put in a respectable time of: 15:12:40 with some excelllent individual performances in tough conditions.

BRAT club would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who it such an enjoyable day and especially to Helen Pike for her inexhaustible organisation and running two legs. You manage an event like this without people willing to ferry people around, so thank you again to those who agreed to drive around and support our runners.

A team - 12:01:40DQ

B team - 15:42:16

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