Dear Members,
I’m delighted to say that the Government guidance permits BRAT to start resuming activities from Monday 29th March! Our coaches and leaders have been working hard to keep everyone engaged during the lockdown (and the previous tiered madness…!) and we sincerely hope that this will have been the final time we have to suspend training. We’re all looking forward to getting back out there and training together, and below are some headlines referring to our return to training:
- All the information around booking sessions is available via this page:
- ALL sessions must be booked in advance on Clubspark.
- Specific information about Junior Athletics including training fees can be found here.
- 2021 Membership is now available on Clubspark – all members will need to sign up via Clubspark (the old website is now closed).
- Adult track fees will be pay as you go in the first instance, although there is the opportunity to purchase a month ‘pass’ to track training – Richard C and Steve J will deal with this directly with athletes.
- Our AGM will be held online again in May 2021 – more details to follow.
If you have any questions, please get in touch at
See you all training soon,
Chris Davy
BRAT Chairman