Dear Members, I’m delighted to say that the Government guidance permits BRAT to start resuming activities from Monday 29th March! Our coaches and leaders have been working hard to keep everyone engaged during the lockdown (and the previous tiered madness…!) and we sincerely hope that this will have been the final time we have to suspend training. We’re all looking forward to getting back out there and training together, and below are some headlines referring to our return to training: All the information around booking sessions is available via this page: ALL sessions must be booked in advance on Clubspark. Specific information about Junior Athletics including training fees can be found here. 2021 Membership is now available on Clubspark – all members will need to sign up via Clubspark (the old website is now closed). Adult track fees will be pay as you go in the first instance, although…
The BRAT Club wishes everyone a happy and safe new year, we are looking forward to returning to a more normal routine later in the year. Unfortunately for now with Birmingham in tier 4 this means that all of our adult sessions are currently suspended. Tier 3 in Worcestershire also means the Bromsgrove swim session has been cancelled until further notice. We are hoping that we can continue with junior athletics sessions, and the coaches will communicate this info directly to parents and athletes going forwards. For now then, we are back to solo and virtual training. Zwift has been great for us, providing some real focus and club atmosphere on the discord chat, so that will continue. Again, the club would like to thank all the coaches, leaders, volunteers and members who put so much into this club and have kept such a strong spirit going throughout the past…
COVID-19 update: 2nd December 2020
Covid-19 update: 2nd December 2020 We are pleased to announce that some training sessions are now able to resume, despite Birmingham being placed into tier 3 restrictions. All available sessions can be seen on clubspark and must be booked in advance. Please refer to the training info page here for more detailed guidance and a link to CLUBSPARK. Many thanks to all of our session leaders, volunteers and coaches who are working hard to ensure covid secure training can continue. Chris Davy BRAT Chairman
Suspension of all training sessions
BRAT Club suspends all training sessions during national restrictions.
Covid-19 Update
In light of the new measures announced by the UK Government to control the spread of Coronavirus, the BRAT Executive Committee met on 13th Sept 2020 to discuss implications for the club and its activities. We are pleased to confirm, that after reviewing all of the guidance, we are able to continue as we are for the majority of our training sessions. This will be reviewed if any further guidance is issued either nationally or locally. Links to the relevant guidance from the BTF, EA, and Birmingham City Council can be found below: Importantly, to ensure we can continue to offer Covid secure training, all members must adhere to the following: All members must follow the national guidance in relation to Covid-19 Members must not attend training if they have symptoms of Covid-19. All members must register for all sessions they attend using Clubspark Members…