Triathlon Volunteers
The Commonwealth Games in Birmingham 2022 is fast approaching and we have been invited to provide specialist volunteers for the Triathlon events.
Volunteers wanted
The Commonwealth Games in Birmingham 2022 is fast approaching and we have been invited to provide specialist volunteers which are roles that could be filled by UKA licensed officials.
Sign up on the official Birmingham 2022 website.
Leadership in Running Fitness (Volunteers Required)!
As you all know, the club is built around its volunteers and the club is keen to support you, and the time you commit. There is an opportunity for those who regularly lead club run sessions (or have thought about leading clubrun sessions) to attend the England Athletics: Leadership in Running Fitness (LiRF). There are a number of courses over the coming months and it would be great to get as many people as possible to attend, where you will learn about how to provide a safe and enjoyable running experience for young people over 12 years of age and adults of any ability, size or shape in both structured and fun sessions. If you are interested in attending a course, please see the link below for both the course, and a google form where you can express your interest and availability. The course is currently £120 if booked before 30/06/18 which theclub will cover once completed. Please…