Tag Archives: Training

Improve your swimming with the BRAT club coached swimming sessions at Bromsgrove leisure centre.

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Wednesday Run Session Meeting Location Change due to limited access to Birmingham University during the Commonwealth Games.

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Why is it that when you start a race at too fast a pace, you end up dying and inevitably fade and slow down. The note below (hopefully) explains what is going on and why this happens. Lactate Response Curve

We have reached the big 10 and the Friday challenge steps up – well actually it runs up this week The Friday hill challenge Something a little different this Friday – you’re going outside either on the pavement or a grassy area. Find an area which has an incline. I’ll leave it up to you how steep an incline but obviously the steeper the harder! You need approximately 40/50 metres – make sure you’ve warmed up and stretched before you start. Run as fast as you can up your hill, walk back down for recovery. Repeat ten times. If you want to make it harder, when you get to the top do ten full star jumps (see Alexander’s video to see how he jumps with both arms and legs out wide). Please keep up the other exercises/challenges on a regular basis as we will be back training one day soon!…

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More form Nigel in the series of Friday Challenges. What would we do without them ! The Big One! Remind yourself of the video of Alexander’s routine – this week you need to do ALL 10 of his exercises.https://bratclub.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/alex_clegg_core_ex_1.mp4 Here’s the routine: 1) Sit ups – 20 to do (you can just do the straight version, as opposed to twisting from side to side)2) Stand squats – 20 to do (you can hold a small weight if you’ve got one)3) Alternate squats – 20 on each leg4) Flutter kicks – 50 to do in total5) Press ups – 20 to do (not on your knees!)6) Full Star jumps – 10 to do7) Lower back raises – 10 to do8) Burpees – 10 to do9) Calf raises – 30 to do10) Side raises – hold position for 30 seconds on each side As you are all getting so fit by now…

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In a strange year where it looks likely that there will be limited, if any, competition, what better time to engage with wisdom of our coaches? Here is a very interesting short blog from Coach Carney – well worth a read!

So another week flies by and it’s time for another Friday workout Stand to Attention FridayThis Friday you are required to stand to attention – perfectly upright, shoulders back, head up…Bend your knees and lower yourself to the floor using your hands to ‘walk’ across the floor until you reach a press up position – do one press up.Walk your hands back and start to stand straight again, standing to attention when you get to the top. Repeat nine more times (10 walk press ups in total). There’s more: Next, lie face down on the ground. Place your finger tips to your eyebrows and slowly raise the top half of your body several inches off the ground so you can feel the stretch in your lower back – DO NOT let your hips, legs or toes leave the ground, they must remain in contact with the floor at all times.Stay…

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It may be a Bank Holiday but that’s not reason enough to stop….So here’s the Bumper Bank Holiday edition from Nigel. Bank Holiday Friday Challenge In keeping with the military theme let’s do some Sergeant Jumps this Friday. Stand sideways on to a wall.Bend at the knees using your arm/hand nearest the wall to reach down to the lower part of your shin/top of the ankle. Do NOT allow your back to bow, keep it straight and keep your head looking forward, not down! Tap the shin/ankle then jump up from the squat position you find yourself in and try to reach as high up the wall as you can. Keep that up/down motion going – down to the shin/ankle, spring upwards and touch the wall. Do 10 on one side, turn and do 10 on the other. Rest 30 seconds then do 15 one side, 15 the other. Finally,…

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Alternate Squat Thrusts. Have a look at the video of Alexander doing alternate squats – the third exercise in the sequence.https://bratclub.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/alex_clegg_core_ex_1.mp4 Three options this week; Option 1 – the easy option.Do 100, non-stop, squats. Stop, rest for one minute then do another 100 squats. Option 2 – the hard optionYou need to have a wooden floor in order to do this. Using two small towels, place your feet on the towels, then try doing the 100 squats. The towels will move smoothly across the wooden floor and will make it harder because it really is a non-stop motion. Option 3 – the really hard option.Do the same as option 2 with your feet on the towels but you only do 10 squats at a time. In between each set of ten you have to do 5 press ups!In total you have to do 50 squats and 25 press ups. If…

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So here we are again with the one you have all been waiting for. Modern language challenge This Friday is about languages.Look at the video of Alexander – the 6th exercise he does are full star jumps.You are going to do the same but each time you leap into the air you have to count up to twenty (first leap is one, second leap is two etc…). https://bratclub.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/alex_clegg_core_ex_1.mp4 However, here’s the fun part – you have to count in another language other than English! French, German, Italian, Spanish – the choice is yours. If you get one wrong or hesitate between jumps you have to start all over again.So, eins, zwei, drei….off you go! Good luck Nigel

Who needs Joe Wicks when we have our own Nigel Clegg. Read on for this week’s S&C challenge. It’s Friday so it must be Crunchies. I did mention last week to get practicing your crunches – well I hope you have been as this week it’s the non-stop 100 crunchie challenge. For those of you who know how to do them – start as soon as you are ready.If you’re unsure – take a look at Alex’s video. In the first exercise he is doing a series of sit ups. A crunchie is a simple variation. Lie on your back with your finger tips touching your eyebrows. Using your stomach muscles, raise your upper body – just a few inches (that’s the crunch part – a small movement is actually harder). The only difference between the straight sit up as demonstrated on the video is that your feet need to be…

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This week we have a special challenge from Nigel for Good Friday. In order to make room for all those Easter eggs you’ll need a special challenge this Friday – and here it is… The Good Friday 100 press up challenge! No, it’s not a mis-print, your challenge is to do 100 press ups. There are two options: Option 1Do two press ups then rest for five seconds, then do three press ups and rest for another five seconds. Keep going 4/5/6/7 resting for five seconds in between each set. When you get to 7 press ups you are allowed to rest for 10 seconds in between each rep.8/9/10/11/12/13 – by the time you’ve completed 13 you will have done 90 press ups so you only have to do 10 more to complete 100!!! Option 2 – (the header option)You’ll need a back garden or safe place in the park…

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